Secret life: Cyrus M. Nkusi

Cyrus M. Nkusi is the Country Director of Rwanda Youth Network. Although he is currently single, the he says he cannot afford being single for life. “By December, I will be married,” he said. Below, he shares more with us:

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Cyrus M. Nkusi

Cyrus M. Nkusi is the Country Director of Rwanda Youth Network. Although he is currently single, the he says he cannot afford being single for life. "By December, I will be married,” he said.
Below, he shares more with us:

The first thing you do in the morning? 
I pray

Greatest fear
Falling out with a friend
When are you happiest?
When there is peace in my country

Childhood memory
When my father surprised me with a flight from Kampala to Nigeria. It was my first flight. 

The most important thing life has taught you
Being flexible and patient is important

Affectionate memory of your parents
They both used to encourage me to work hard and to be God fearing

What keeps you awake at night?
When I feel I have not performed my best

Greatest achievement
My animal farm

During your free time
I sometimes travel, visit friends and enjoy reading novels

Retirement plans
I will use my investment to survive

Photo G. Mugoya