Pride is a form of insanity

In case you are arrogant or are admiring the arrogant, I wish to help you out using my life experience that pride or arrogance is nothing but a sheer sign of insanity. It is something that requires psychiatric treatment such that the concerned person should be his or her own doctor to treat it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

In case you are arrogant or are admiring the arrogant, I wish to help you out using my life experience that pride or arrogance is nothing but a sheer sign of insanity.

It is something that requires psychiatric treatment such that the concerned person should be his or her own doctor to treat it.

The best way to start the treatment is to accept or admit that the weakness is nothing but insanity then start the reforming medication. One must also accept and know that pride will make him or her unpopular and unnecessarily hated or disliked by people.  It could be the main reason for such a person’s current problems.

I used to be proud until the year 1992 when I realised that I was on the wrong track, repented and got rid of the insanity.

This is because pride or arrogance makes a person to behave abnormally suggesting that his or her brain imagines doing things that are not real, reminiscent of a sick mind.   It is an act that makes a person to think that he or she is better than others or everyone else.

The truth is that no one is better than everyone else. Each of us is good or better off in some things and others in other things.

Therefore to imagine that one is better that everyone else and start behaving so regardless of others or everyone else confirms a person’s insanity. No person is better than everyone else in everything. Only a mad person thinks and behaves so.

Another good way of helping yourself out of pride is to identify the things that make you feel better than everyone else. Is it education? Is it because one of your parents or relatives occupies a high office in Government or was occupying one such that you behave the way you do to impress people that you belong to the high class, not like them?

Is it because of your wide travelling? Is it because of your highly recognised contribution to the development or success of your village, country or world? Is it because of your high learning? Is it because you are a great Pastor whom God has used to perform miracles?

Is it because your husband or wife is a successful person? Is it because of imagining that your wife is the most beautiful?  Is it because of imagining that you have the most paying job? Is it because of imagining that you own or live in the best house in the locality?

Is it because of imagining that you drive the best car? Is it because of imagining that you have the best looks on earth? What is it? Whatever is the imagination, you are not the best nor do you possess the best. Others do.  It is also helpful to know that what was best on earth a minute ago is not the best in the next minute. 

To imagine being the best and that the people around you perceive you so, proves or confirms the presence of a high degree of insanity in your brain, requiring psychiatric treatment from yourself.

That is why a person can even fail to sit stably in a chair in someone’s office or public gathering. Such person looks at his/her watch or shoes several times, imagining that those around him/her appreciate his/her watch and shoes as being wonderful as he/she imagines.

It is the same insanity that can make such a person to change his/her different styles of sitting in the office  within a few minutes thinking that by so doing he/she will impress those around him/her.

Such are the kind of people who even walk in a limping or boastful style thinking that they will impress someone.  The truth is that they look like cartoons by doing so. They cannot impress anyone sane.  They can only impress the insane like them.

Also it is always such people who ridicule people in their midst for eating poorly or for eating certain kinds of foods or for living in slums or poor areas or for walking long distances on foot.

My advice to them is that they should thank God for what they are instead of bragging and or ridiculing the less fortunate in society. Decency and the fear of God should convince them to sympathise and help the unfortunate instead of bragging and ridiculing them (Matthew 25:31 – 46).

No situation is permanent. Whoever is up today may be down tomorrow and vice versa. In the worst case scenario, we might not hear or see him or her any more the next moment.

I am now in my sixties. I started being proud when I was 27 years old. I was not proud because of my education or training. It was because of being lucky to pioneer getting big money right from the late sixties through big building construction contracts, which by that time were the domain of whites and Indians.

Instead of using it for development, I used it for stupid pride. I wrongly imagined that I was the only African with the brains to share foreigners’ business and that I had money like them or better than many of them.