Are birthdays worth celebrating?

For many of us and most particularly the young ones, birthdays are cause for celebration. Parents throw parties for their children and give them gifts, others go as far as surprising their loved ones.

Monday, January 14, 2008

For many of us and most particularly the young ones, birthdays are cause for celebration. Parents throw parties for their children and give them gifts, others go as far as surprising their loved ones.

Happiness is the order of the day. This said there are those who don’t find pleasure in honoring birthdays claiming that it’s nothing but a waste of time and money.

And so the author went to ask children their views. Ought we to celebrate our birthdays?

Marie Kamikazi

"Normally at home we don’t celebrate birthdays that much but when we do, it’s a blast. But I don’t like it when they sing that I look like a monkey.”

Remmy Kwizera

"Every year on my birthday I eat a cake and drink soda. And for me the best moment is when they sing happy birthday songs.”

Bwiza Immaculate

"Because my dad celebrates his birthday every year, I do too. My birthday is the best thing that ever happens to me and I like going to the beach.”

Emmanuel Mutatuzi

"Oh my! I love my birthday and I think it is because I share it with Jesus. I wish Christmas and my birthday came every month.

Manzi Rucamukibatsi

"I like getting gifts on my birthday and my parents always take us out to have fun. The best part is that we always eat very well and drink a lot of things.”
