The agony of an African child

All children are innocent. Their rights must always be respected and protected. Africa’s political instabilities have left many of her children in despair and agony.

Monday, January 14, 2008

All children are innocent. Their rights must always be respected and protected. Africa’s political instabilities have left many of her children in despair and agony.

Though efforts are being made to bring back the lost joy of an African child, African leaders have much to do as far as education is concerned.

Education in Africa still faces a number of challenges; children still attend classes under trees and unfinished classrooms.

Village children are especially vulnerable to the education system’s shortcomings. Girls in particular struggle to go to school.

This is a direct result of the general perception of education; historically boys are more privileged than girls. Parents prefer keeping girls at home to help with domestic duties rather than sending them to school.

Throughout Africa high drop out rates are caused by financial problems. Too often parents rely on their children to supplement their income.

The devastating effects of war make it particularly difficult for children to attend school. Families are displaced, crucial schooling years are lost to a refugee life.

Upon returning home more often than not schools have been destroyed and children find themselves without classes to go to or teachers to instruct them.

Rural children fail to attend school because they lack basic necessities such as clothes, soap, books and stationary. As girls reach puberty they feel they need to be properly dresses to attend school in order to appear ‘decent’.

Torn and dirty clothes that would expose the body are still acceptable for boys, but not for girls. Furthermore girls are reluctant to go to school if they are without sanitary cloths.

Many children in sub-Saharan Africa do not have access to primary school. Children who are able to attend school often receive such poor quality instruction that they fail to acquire even the most basic skills of reading and writing.

In 1990 Rwanda was among those who adopted the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. As such Rwanda alongside other Africa countries needs to fight hard to protect her children from being violated.

Wars, drought and other natural disasters are not the only factors bring suffering to Africa’s children. Efforts should be made at all times to protect all African children from child labour, child trafficking and sexual and physical abuse.

All children have the right to an education. Build Africa, educate her children.
