Beans are a great source of nutrients and a wonderful addition to a healthy diet. Studies have shown their many health benefits, including the prevention of diseases like cancer, helping to maintain healthy weight, being high in protein, having good amounts of fibre; furthermore, there is just such a great variety of beans to eat, and they taste great too! Some people say they can’t eat their food without some meat, but for me, my food is not complete if there are no beans on the table.

Friday, August 13, 2010
Photos by: K. Odoobo

Beans are a great source of nutrients and a wonderful addition to a healthy diet. Studies have shown their many health benefits, including the prevention of diseases like cancer, helping to maintain healthy weight, being high in protein, having good amounts of fibre; furthermore, there is just such a great variety of beans to eat, and they taste great too! Some people say they can’t eat their food without some meat, but for me, my food is not complete if there are no beans on the table.

Health Benefits of Beans: Beans are cholesterol free, contain no saturated fat and are low in total fat.

• Bean can help prevent anaemia because it is rich in vitamins and minerals especially iron.

• Bean is very helpful in constipation, one-half cup serving of most beans contain 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrate and up to an incredible 8 grams of fibre.
• It is recommended for people who want to build their muscle and make their body stronger because beans contain at least 20% protein and are high in carbohydrates.
• Study shown that all kinds of beans can help lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride level in the body because most beans contain only 2-3% fat.

• Beans are excellent in preventing and treating diabetes. Beans have a low glycemic index (rate at which a food raises the blood sugar), and it provide sustained energy while slowly being released into your blood stream.

Kidney beans

Technically speaking, beans are a type of legume, which also includes foods such as peas and lentils. Beans are relatively inexpensive, and can be afforded by most people. Beans are high in protein, and those who are concerned about a lack of protein in vegetarian diets can ensure adequate intake by consuming beans.

Beans are greatly nutritious foods. They have beneficial phytochemicals as well as antioxidant properties. In general, darker coloured beans, such as those red and black in colour, have stronger antioxidant properties

Green Mung Beans

Beans are recognized as an important food because it is loaded with nutrients. It is also considered as a well rounded healthy food because it falls into the category of the vegetable group, meat group and bean group. Beans are a vegetable, but contain the valuable protein that is often associated with meat.

This makes them an ideal alternative to meat for vegetarians or for those who want to limit intake of meat products. One of the reasons why beans should be part of our daily diet is that beans are full of both soluble and insoluble fibre. They contain the most fibre of any vegetable.
