Thanks for your contribution…

The Children’s Times team wishes to thank all the children who participated in giving out their views on different topics in the year 2007.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Children’s Times team wishes to thank all the children who participated in giving out their views on different topics in the year 2007.

Special thanks go to all head teachers and the principals of schools for giving The Children’s Times a platform to speak to children.

The Children’s Times aims to give children a podium to express themselves through different ways.

Children can send their hand written articles, drawings, letters, poems, artisan and creative work to be published free of charge in the magazine.

The Children’s Times also enjoys speaking face to face with the children as they share their views.  

Children have the right to express themselves through the press. The New Times does not charge any money for children to appear in The Children Times Magazine.

Children’s NGOs and other children associations, are free to invite any of The Children’s Times reporters to cover young people’s events, activities and ceremonies to mention but a few.

In the photos are some of the children whose ideas were voiced in this magazine, some of these children are still in their primary and nursery schools, while others are done with their primary school and have joined secondary schools.

Dear children, The Children’s Times team wishes you a term of hard work. Live to be intelligent and wise. By God’s grace, live to explore all you dreams. We love you all. 

Please send your work to or call +250-08746044 for more information.