What matters more, looks or smartness?

Smartness!In the World we live in today, for a package to appear enticing and good for the eye must contain several components.

Friday, August 13, 2010

In the World we live in today, for a package to appear enticing and good for the eye must contain several components.

In other words, smartness of late defines status, personality, intelligence—smartness calls the shots.

Basically, the way we dress tells a lot about the kind of life we lead hence tends to limit the aspect of being seen as beautiful or handsome. If you are dressed to kill then definitely everyone would associate with you compared to one shabbily dressed and dirty belle or beau.

I happened to have a friend who was hitting on my best friend, he requested me to take him where she was residing and I did so. When we reached my best friend’s home, she had an amazing white carpet and we had to leave our shoes at the doormat.

Trouble arose when the guy had to remove his shoes right in front of his potential girlfriend (my best friend)—his socks were well endowed and decorated with holes.

Later, my best friend confided in me and informed me that although the guy had a killer smile and amicable looks, the holes in the socks were a total put off.

The hard lesson for my guy friend was that, ‘a person’s outer appearance portrays their inner being and thinking’. This is something worth remembering no matter how hot and ‘hunkish’ you are!

Where one may get away with anything just because he or she is dressed up in expensive clothes, jewelry or perfume, others need to entirely explain themselves for passage through a VIP section or if worst comes to the worst, crack a successful business deal.

The greatest numbers of conmen/women in this world get away with their deeds because they present themselves to their prey cordially dressed and with smart plans and not with looks.

As soon as an attractive or appealing person enters a room, is it involuntarily tactical that he or she has certain positive traits and a loaded intelligence as compared to others; however, an additional trait of proper dressing sense directly or indirectly gives confinements to the fact that the person is smart enough to handle all kinds of situations.
