Our politicians are a mature bunch

Editor, How many times have we seen African politicians reject election results, urge their followers onto the streets and begin a civil war? Countless times; I’ve seen that happen in this region, on this continent and even in some European nations. I believe the fact that our politicians had the maturity to behave in a different way is a positive thing.

Friday, August 13, 2010
Mature politics. Prosper Higiro (R) during the press conference where he conceded. (Photo J Mbanda)


How many times have we seen African politicians reject election results, urge their followers onto the streets and begin a civil war?

Countless times; I’ve seen that happen in this region, on this continent and even in some European nations. I believe the fact that our politicians had the maturity to behave in a different way is a positive thing.

The Liberal Party (PL) presidential candidate, Prosper Higiro, has conceded defeat following the release of Monday’s provisional election results on Wednesday.

Something that Dr Ntawukuriryayo and Dr Mukabaramba also did. They all pledged their continued service to the country.

I believe that Rwanda, and the Rwandan people are exceptional. And the manner in which all our politicians acted before, during and after the campaigns confirmed it.

There is a saying that "a people will get a leader they deserve”. We deserve the best leaders and that is what we’ve got. Its up to us to support them and make sure that they realize their goals.

Linda Umutoni