Beauty Tips

Naturally Staying Beautiful Almost everyone desires to be beautiful. Women, in particular, invest even their hard-earned money every month for beauty products, beauty services, and the like.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Naturally Staying Beautiful

Almost everyone desires to be beautiful. Women, in particular, invest even their hard-earned money every month for beauty products, beauty services, and the like.

Nowadays, quite a number of the male population, too, are finding it rather necessary to take care of their skin. In fact, department stores and salon clinics everywhere are now offering facial treatments for men!

The desire to be beautiful is not simply a fad. Fads fade away easily.  But the desire for beauty does not. Some people may think it a bit superficial or vain, but a beautiful face always makes a lasting impression --- and this is probably one reason why the desire to be beautiful is not just a fad. 

There are many beauty products available in the market today. These beauty products may suit every skin type, skin color, and practically every need. There are beauty products specific for men, and products that are exclusively for women only.  And they come at a certain price, of course. 

But to be beautiful and to stay beautiful need not be expensive. They may even come free of charge.  Sleep, for instance, does not cost anything, but getting enough sleep everyday can do wonders for the skin.

Ever noticed how one’s eyes get all puffed up and sore when the individual did not have a good night’s sleep? At least seven to eight hours of well-rested sleep everyday is recommended to have healthy, glowing skin. 

Another beauty tip that does not cost a dime is drinking water.  At least eight glasses of water a day hydrates the skin, making it supple it glows with health! Have a glass of water upon arising in the morning, another glass each before and after every meal, and another glass before retiring to bed. Within a few weeks, one is likely to notice a great change in you.

There are also fruits, spices, and other stuffs you use in the kitchen that you can turn into beauty products right in your own home. And they are not expensive at all!

For example, a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice when mixed with an egg white make a great wrinkle remover. Baking soda can effectively remove blemishes on the skin. 

Vinegar is good for the hair.  Apple cider vinegar, in particular, is a great dandruff fighter, while vinegar mixed with cold water can make the hair shine with life.  A quarter of honey is perfect to achieve silky skin.

Mix it with vegetable oil and lemon juice and you have a great skin smoothener.  You do not even need to go to a dermatologist to treat crow’s feet.  Simply dab egg white onto the lines and finish it off with vegetable oil. Then watch as the lines magically disappear!

Best of all, always looks at things in a positive light.  A healthy disposition radiates in one’s face, illuminating her with inner beauty.  Smile – and don’t forget to do this often.  A person who constantly smiles is always beautiful --- inside and out.

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