We need to get back to our roots

Two heads are better than one and this is the reason I want to add voice to the many out there that are more than willing to restore our lost glory.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Two heads are better than one and this is the reason I want to add voice to the many out there that are more than willing to restore our lost glory.

"Itorero members are like drivers, says minister," was an article in Rwanda’s only Daily talking about traditional systems which have been applied by the government to help in cultural, political, economic and social developments geared towards restoring the lost traditional values before the coming of colonialists.

Indeed lots of things were lost when the colonialists stepped in; our values, languages and tradition was diluted. I have all along asked myself the reason as to why the colonialists wanted us to give up our cultures but of recent I have come to realise that a person that has no identity is easily manipulated. And this is exactly what has been and still is happening, we lost and gave up who we are and even the culture that we are trying to assimilate is turning us into strangers in our homeland.

Can you imagine that you can find a young man/woman in Kigali speaking all the French there is and yet they know little of their mother tongue? It is in this generation where you find people who can not speak only Kinya-rwanda for five minutes, watch them out there before you know it they are into English and off to French.

I am happy that the government has come up to help, using our very own to tackle issues like good governance, justice, unity and reconciliation, agriculture development, environmental protection, social welfare, formation of cooperatives, job creation, among others.

And now that the Itorero members have full backing from the government, I am sure they will yield fruitfully. And my simple caution is that the Itorero members should be exemplary to the rest of the public. As a matter of fact, what has not impacted you will not impact anyone.