District, sector leaders present performance contracts

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — District mayor, Bonane Nyangezi has implored local leaders to identify priority areas that need immediate attention in this year’s performance contracts.

Monday, January 14, 2008


GICUMBI — District mayor, Bonane Nyangezi has implored local leaders to identify priority areas that need immediate attention in this year’s performance contracts.

He was last Friday presiding over a ceremony to present performance contracts [Imihigo] for Cell, Sector and other District leaders.

The Vice Mayors, Eugenie Uwamahoro, [social affairs], Ildephonse Butera [economic development], the district executive Secretary Maximilian Niyonzima and the district director of education, Julian Uwamahoro were among those who presented their contracts.

"Performance contracts shall enable all local leaders and district staff to identify urgent projects. Time management is vital to accomplish various tasks," Nyangezi said. He said performance contracts were important in evaluating the leaders’ annual service delivery.

Sector executive secretaries presented similar –Imihigo- underlining poverty eradication, war against HIV/Aids, resettling residents in community settlements, family planning campaigns and soil erosion control through constructing terraces to increase agricultural output.

Commenting on the contracts, Uwamahoro asked leaders to include the fight against violation of children’s rights, Genocide ideology in schools and gender disparity as key areas.
