Over 12, 000 dedicate prayers to elections

GASABO - Over 12,000 believers from various religious denominations in Kigali City yesterday thronged Amahoro National Stadium to pray for today’s Presidential elections to be peaceful. The crusade which kicked off in the afternoon till sunset was dubbed “Rwanda is in your hands Lord.”

Monday, August 09, 2010
The Minister of Education, Dr. Charles Murigande and religious leaders join residents to pray for peace during the Monday elections. (Photo D.Sabiiti)

GASABO - Over 12,000 believers from various religious denominations in Kigali City yesterday thronged Amahoro National Stadium to pray for today’s Presidential elections to be peaceful.
The crusade which kicked off in the afternoon till sunset was dubbed "Rwanda is in your hands Lord.”

The event was mostly characterized by prayers by several pastors, testimonies and entertainment from local church choirs such as the renowned Rehoboth Ministries, Catholic Choir, Amahoro and Hosiana of ADEPR and Adventist church, and a special entertainment from The Sisters.

Pastor Antoine Rutayisire, the senior pastor of St. Etienne who observed that bad politics plunged the country into Genocide, urged all churches to wake up and play their role in changing the mindset of Rwandans.

 "It’s now our (churches) time to pave the way for a better Rwanda. Rwanda is ours always. If we sleep, it will crumble down,” Rutayisire noted, calling on all Rwandans to love and always pray for their country.

He recalled the day of April 17, 1994 when he was among those who survived in the Stadium and said "Rwanda was destroyed by Rwandans who should join hands to rebuild it.”

Bishop Faustin Bashaka observed that Rwanda has made a tremendous step in development, especially in the last seven years. Economy, good governance, education, healthcare and decentralization are among the sectors, Bashaka said have developed.

"All these and the peace and security Rwandans are enjoying was a result of good leadership and such leaders need to be rewarded…but only the lord can,” he said.

Various clergymen and women prayed that Rwanda continues to be peaceful.
Charles Murigande, the Minister of Education, who presided over the event, commended the religions’ efforts to change Rwandans.

He commended them for their partnership with the government in creating a peaceful country and to partner in having a seven year term of peace and development.

The crusade organised in partnership with Kigali City was also attended by the city Mayor, Aisa Kirabo Kacyira and the Anglican church Archbishop, Emmanuel Kolini, among others.
