Police hunting for murder suspects

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Police in Ruhango district are searching for men suspected to have beaten a resident who later died in hospital

Monday, January 14, 2008


RUHANGO — Police in Ruhango district are searching for men suspected to have beaten a resident who later died in hospital.

Abdul Karim Ndahayo 27, was allegedly beaten to near-death by a gang on December 23 2007, at Ruhango market and later admitted at Kabgayi hospital before being transferred to King Fiasal hospital where he died on January 7, according to family sources.

Police sources said the incident happened during day time and so far one old man (Gasasira Rugasira) has been arrested in connection with the incident.

Other suspects still at large were identified as, Bugona Mpayimana, Tinka, Munyeshaka, and other two suspects whose names were not readily available.

The suspect in police hands (Rugasira) confirmed the scene of crime in an interview with reporters saying the deceased was beaten and boxed several times by a group of ‘young men’ on accusations of selling a stolen bicycle and one of them [suspects] ‘was my own son.’

However, Josiane Ntawunyiryayo 22, the wife of the deceased said that Ndahayo was hit by his family members and in-laws after a family squabble over land in Kabagari.

"Ndahayo had just acquired land after a long disputed family wrangle and most of his in-laws protested our marriage because he had a child with their daughter in the past," Ntawunyiryayo alleged on Friday.

Ntawunyiryayo pleaded for justice to punish the assailants and claimed that there have been constant death threats on their whole family. She said by doing away with Ndahayo "it is one way of ruining our future."

She also alleged that her in-laws had bewitched Ndahayo and have attempted to claim her two children whom she has since transferred to their grandparents for safety.
