Election campaigns were well organized-Mukabaramba

RWAMAGANA - Alvera Mukabaramba, the presidential candidate for Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) said that election campaigns were well organized countrywide.She revealed this yesterday, while talking to The Sunday Times from her home village of Rutoma.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

RWAMAGANA - Alvera Mukabaramba, the presidential candidate for Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) said that election campaigns were well organized countrywide.
She revealed this yesterday, while talking to The Sunday Times from her home village of Rutoma. The village is located in Musha sector, Rwamagana district.

Alvera Mukabaramba said that in all areas she visited during the campaigns, people listened calmly, and security was assured.

She said that Rwandans have shown that they understand the dynamics of democracy.

"I would want Rwandans to behave the way they behaved during the campaigns,” she said.

Commenting on some foreign critics of the campaigns and the election process in Rwanda, she said that such people are out of touch.

‘I can tell you that I am very satisfied with the way campaigns were held…no clashes, no security threats, and yet we have been working around the clock. This is what perturbs foreigners who would want to see it otherwise”.

While addressing her supporters earlier, the PPC candidate reiterated her position to foster free and compulsory universal lower education, care for unemployed, avail water and improve agriculture.

"This is my home village, so I know what they want, but if elected I will be responsible for the whole country as the President. I will develop this country in all areas.”

Meanwhile, PPC campaign manager, Thierry Karemera, called upon their supporters to go back and remind their neighbours to prepare to vote for Mukabaramba

"As we count down a few hours to the polls, I am sure that we are going to get the highest votes in Rwamagana, particularly Musha Sector. We started our campaigns in Rwamagana and are ending here, this is symbolic,” he said.
Jean Pierre Musabyimana, a PPC supporter, said that she would like to see the candidate start nursery schools in each village.

"If it is true that she is going to offer free education to infants, it would be interesting. That is what has always pushed me, to listen to what she is saying about it,” he said.
