VOTERS will, tomorrow, go to the polls to elect a president, who will serve for the next seven years. This is a culmination of a long campaign period which has been a demonstration of a high level of political maturity on the part of the candidates and their Rwanda people.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

VOTERS will, tomorrow, go to the polls to elect a president, who will serve for the next seven years. This is a culmination of a long campaign period which has been a demonstration of a high level of political maturity on the part of the candidates and their Rwanda people.
The three weeks campaign period has been a time of, not only celebrating the achievements realized over the last seven years, but also a reaffirmation by Rwandans of their intention to consolidate a truly democratic process.
Where the cynics predicted doom, Rwandans have demonstrated hope, pride and resilience. Without doubt, the future of democracy in Rwanda is bright and a democratic culture has taken root over the last seven years, as demonstrated by the just concluded campaigns. This is a radical departure from what had historically been associated with our country.
Rwandans have proved that they can overcome adversity and with a unity of purpose, forge a future they desire and cherish, and in doing this they need no lectures from anywhere, as they alone own the experiences that they lived.
Once again, tomorrow, the Rwandan people will in their millions demonstrate to the rest of the world, that they are free to make the choices they can live with. Therefore, the enthusiasm they have exhibited during the campaigns, will be demonstrated as they turn out to vote.
