Local leaders rewarded for good performance

GICUMBI - Leaders from 630 villages from Gicumbi District were yesterday rewarded for their exemplary performance in steering economic development in their respective villages. The prizes donated by Gicumbi District were handed over to local leaders at Gicumbi stadium.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

GICUMBI - Leaders from 630 villages from Gicumbi District were yesterday rewarded for their exemplary performance in steering economic development in their respective villages.

The prizes donated by Gicumbi District were handed over to local leaders at Gicumbi stadium.

Addressing the beneficiaries, Mayor Bonane Nyangezi said the recent 2nd position acquired by the district in the execution of performance contracts is attributed to the effort of development mobilizers (Abahwituzi) and village heads.

"Abahwituzi have played a big role in sensitizing residents to tame soil erosion through the construction of terraces, practicing modern agriculture and livestock farming in addition to protecting the environment by planting trees”, said Nyangezi.

He urged them to double their effort to enable the district emerge the best during the 2010/2011 performance contracts.

He further reminded the local leaders to cherish their success in various development activities to the good governance ushered in by President Paul Kagame.

The District vice mayor for economic affairs, Ildephonse Butera, called on the local leaders to sensitize residents prepare land and procure fertilizers in advance, so as to grow crops earlier in the coming rain season.
