RPF campaigns end on a high note

GASABO - AFTER three weeks of marathon campaigning in all the 30 districts, the RPF candidate Paul Kagame, yesterday, concluded the campaign trail in Bumbogo Sector, Gasabo District, dancing with over 70,000 party faithful who turned up to show their support.

Sunday, August 08, 2010
Gasabo supporters cheer as President Paul Kagame arrives. (Photo J Mbanda)

GASABO - AFTER three weeks of marathon campaigning in all the 30 districts, the RPF candidate Paul Kagame, yesterday, concluded the campaign trail in Bumbogo Sector, Gasabo District, dancing with over 70,000 party faithful who turned up to show their support.

The mood was electrifying as thousands of excited supporters danced with the candidate, as a group of popular local musicians fired up the already upbeat crowd.

After a successful countrywide tour, a smiling Kagame, who was accompanied by his family, took time to interact and dance with the crowd in appreciation of the support and admiration shown to him.

At one point, Kagame and members of his family distributed a few RPF T-shirts and caps, sending the massive crowd into a frenzy.

Shortly after he was introduced by his campaign manager, Fidele Ndayisaba, Kagame thanked the mammoth crowd gathered on top of a hill giving a clear view of Kigali. He told them that the support showed to him in Gasabo, and in all the other parts of the country, is a sign of how Rwandans are determined to define their own path to democracy.

Kagame told his supporters that though the campaigns had come to an end, Rwanda was just entering another chapter in its democracy.

The RPF candidate told the crowd that democracy is when the majority of people choose what is good for them, adding that when Rwandans say they want development, improved standards of living, justice, good education, health, roads and genuine progress, that is democracy, and that’s what they have opted for, a choice which should be respected.

Amidst cheers, Kagame said that Rwandans have the prerogative to make decisions that concern them, not the outsiders choosing for them; because democracy is shaped by the people of the country and not imported from outside, adding that any attempt to make such choices for Rwandans amounts to arrogance.

He said that Rwanda’s sovereignty should not be undermined or looked down upon by anyone because Rwanda is a country that has dignity and respect.

The RPF candidate said that it is time for Rwandans to focus on the next seven years because the last seven marked the first phase of development. He said that when the RPF and its candidate are elected into office, the next term will focus on multiplying what has already been achieved.

He said that those who doubt what the efforts of the RPF government and the people have yielded, should go and ask the Rwandan women who they are today or ask what programmes such as Girinka have done.

The President called on the Rwandan people to remain as focussed as ever, by working hard for the development of the country, embracing ICT, infrastructure development, education, modern agriculture, as well as maintaining their dignity and self respect.

Kagame thanked all the people who have made his campaign a success, especially the supporters who turned up in big numbers; the youth, the women, the students, the musicians as well as the media, adding that what remains is casting the ballot on Monday.

Josephine Nyiransengimana, a resident of Bumbogo, gave a testimony on how her life has changed tremendously starting with just Rwf50,000 given to her through Umurenge VUP.

She established a small business and slowly started saving and investing wisely as inspired by Kagame. Today she owns a permanent house and a piece of land where she practices modern farming.
