Living Life: Tomorrow, Rwanda’s fledging democracy will be in full play.

 Tomorrow, Rwanda’s fledging democracy will be in full play. As the youth, we should know that elections are not just politics, but a definition of one’s basic right, so much so that, today Living Life forgets about the ordinary living of life to pay homage to the reason why we have the opportunity to wake up, go about our lives and at the end of the day, go back home to sleep soundly.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

 Tomorrow, Rwanda’s fledging democracy will be in full play.

As the youth, we should know that elections are not just politics, but a definition of one’s basic right, so much so that, today Living Life forgets about the ordinary living of life to pay homage to the reason why we have the opportunity to wake up, go about our lives and at the end of the day, go back home to sleep soundly.
As you enjoy the content of this newspaper in the comfort of your house on a Sunday afternoon, put it in mind that so many things should take place to make sure you have these basic comforts and to assure you of your freedoms and rights. It is not just for the politicians to worry about elections. It is about you to choose who can take care of your interests while you go about your everyday life.
This is why, tomorrow, you have to be ready to exercise your basic duty, not because it is like a game of heads and tails. Tomorrow’s election is a chance to influence the direction of your country for the next seven years. The person you chose tomorrow will be in the driving seat of the bus called Rwanda for seven years, and you as a passenger in this bus bears the responsibility to decide who you trust best to take you on this long journey.
The person you choose should be one with a proven track record and one who has clear plans for the future. He/she should be brave enough to defend your rights and your country from any enemies. As a youth, he/she should be able to create opportunities for you in the near and far future and for the old; he/she should be able to secure the future of the younger generations.
Your right to vote is thus a huge responsibility and one you should make after clear and decisive thought. Tomorrow, as you cast that vote, you have the chance to make your future safer and better. In many countires people have fought and died for the right to vote.
In America, blacks only won the right to vote in the last century even though the country is over 300 years old. In some countries in the world, women have no right to vote, but here you are free to exercise your basic right enshrined in the constitution.
Furthermore, to vote is not just to be a political participant. According to Alexander M. Shapiro, "The vote demonstrates that we accept the notion that all human beings are created in the image of God and have an equal right to preach and teach the word of God.” So tomorrow get out and vote – WISELY!

I wish you a wise Sunday.