Fiction: The intrigues of e-world

Gone are the days when looking for a better half was such a convoluted exercise. We now don’t need to go hunting in the market place or waylay girls on paths as they make their way to the river to fetch water. The game was even harder when Aunties or other inquisitive senior relatives would intervene in searching for a wife for someone considered to have delayed in changing his social status.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Gone are the days when looking for a better half was such a convoluted exercise.

We now don’t need to go hunting in the market place or waylay girls on paths as they make their way to the river to fetch water. The game was even harder when Aunties or other inquisitive senior relatives would intervene in searching for a wife for someone considered to have delayed in changing his social status.

With the coming of internet and mobile phones, all this has dramatically been distorted. One can now date someone whom he does not know, through the net. There are hordes of websites which offer to connect or match make with almost whomever you wish to on planet earth.

Mr. Sakwa who most of the time is seated in front of his computer’s monitor had an interesting encounter in one of these sites. He leisurely started chatting with a lady calling herself Prisca on the net.

Though married, he concealed his status to the lady on the other end. He did not even give her his correct names. The lady however was serious and spent most of her time trying to hook up with a serious man who would presumably eventually marry her.

They used to chat on a daily basis and got to be acquainted with each other fairly well. What started like a passive but frequent communication between the two adults grew to be passionate.

The almost bureaucratic language they were using at the beginning now was changing and becoming naughty as days progressed with their chatting.

It did not take long before both exchanged their mobile phone numbers and extended their chatting from chatting rooms to now anytime day and night.

This prompted Mr. Sakwa to develop some queer character which he didn’t have before. He now would switch off his phone immediately he arrived home in the fear that Prisca might call when he is with his wife.

He never excused himself to answer calls before but now did it frequently when the lady called.

It came as a great shocker when they both realized that they came from the Central region and indeed lived and worked there.

Mr. Sakwa did not lie on this one. They planned to meet at the famous Chingles pub on a Saturday to get to know each other well and perhaps elevate their relationship from just friends into something juicy.

Prisca could not wait to see the man she has been chatting with. Her mind roamed as she tried to figure out what Sakwa looked like. She was in her thirties and friends were now tiring her with constant irksome remarks on her to get a husband.

She wore her best dress that day and did her make up early in the morning despite the fact they were to meet in the evening.

Evening came and Prisca was seated strategically in a dimly lit corner with full view of the entrance looking curiously at any man figure that entered the pub. Besides her, there was this intoxicated, big bellied and ugly faced man talking vulgar language loudly and spitting saliva mannerlessly as he talked.

She hated the man, excused herself and went out to make a call to Sakwa. She rudely realized that Sakwa is the man she was sitted next to in the pub. She immediately dashed home wearing a sad face grieved and sobbing.

"It is the woman who chooses the man who will choose her.”