Thrilling Entertainment at the campaigns

For many Rwandans the word “entertainment” means a concert however, this year’s presidential campaigns have changed the face of entertainment in Rwanda.  

Saturday, August 07, 2010

For many Rwandans the word "entertainment” means a concert however, this year’s presidential campaigns have changed the face of entertainment in Rwanda.  

Many of the local artists have composed and entertained the public with their single campaign songs for the respective candidates.

Tom Close, the well known Rwandan artist composed a song, "Tora Kagame Paul”  whose message is for the FPR candidate, Paul Kagame. In his song, Tom Close tells of how the President has delivered and his promise to develop and empower them just like he has already done during the his first term.

Besides Tom Close King James, Kitoko, Miss Jojo and The Ben participated in producing the "Tora Kagame Paul” song.
Also, Eric Sendeli also put together the song, "Kagame Paul ni uwabose” that has excitement millions of Rwandans during Kagame’s campaign trail.

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) had a song composed for their mandate by upcoming artist Mubarak. In his song, he calls for the public to vote for PSD.

Ernest Kalisa another local artist hit a deal with the Liberal Party (PL) and composed the song, "P.L” calling for people to vote for PL. 

The tool of entertainment has so far been a great way of attracting crowds and keeping them on their feet as they chant to the slogans of the various political parties.

Indeed, Rwanda has seen a unique twist in its 2010 Presidential Campaigns as Rwandans for the second time since 2003, are given the opportunity to freely choose whom they believe in. Rather than the usual face of violence as depicted in most African democracies, Rwanda has set an example that political campaigns in Africa can be celebrations that unite people.
