Howto: How to maintian your phone

Mobiles phones have become an essential part of our lives in today's fast growing society. They have become the major tools of communication used for accessing the internet, shooting pictures and videos and other useful applications.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mobiles phones have become an essential part of our lives in today's fast growing society. They have become the major tools of communication used for accessing the internet, shooting pictures and videos and other useful applications.

How to take care of them so that they yield the desired results, is another hurdle altogether. Different manufacturers are now fighting hard to stay ahead of the stiff competition and hence adding more new complex and intricate innovative features.

Because of the modern hi-technology used in making these mobile phones, there is a big monetary value attached to them yet they burst out in a second once they are not well maintained.

Tom Nzaramba a technician at Dubai Phone Sale and Repair Centre, says that becoming more conversant with some of the phone maintenance tips below, could ensure mobile phone safety and durability.

• Never let your phone get wet. "Even the least  amount of water can corrode the internal components, causing anything from display to the memory to stop functioning. In most cases, water-damaged phones are not repairable but can only be replaced by new ones which could not be easy for most people,” Nzaramba said. Be sure that you protect your mobile phone from bad and rusty elements by keeping it away from water and sand.

"Stop taking your mobile phone to the swimming pool and if you must, then make sure it’s in a protective case,” he said. Keep in mind that not only swimming pools pose threats to your phone. Phones can also be damaged after being set on a wet bar or being dialled with wet hands.

He further said that if your phone gets wet, leave it to dry. Don't turn it on or off until it has completely dried, or you might miss out some of its essential electronic parts. If it does not work properly, contact the product professional for repairs.

He further said that the most common problem they have so far encountered during repair is crushing defeat. Most people handle their mobile phones recklessly.

• "Try not to drop your phone down,” Nzaramba said. Depending on what type of surface it lands on, dropped phones can suffer cracked screens or dislodged internal components, he said.

The worst damage occurs when a particular phone is connected to an accessory such as a headset. The impact often bends or rips out the jack where the accessory connects to the phone.

• Keeping phones in hands is equally dangerous. This is characterised by knocking them on various objects which cause subsequent internal defects. While walking, the best way to keep your phone secure at your side is to use a belt clip or a holster. Avoiding keeping phones in briefcases and suit cases. This saves the phone from beings mashed inside a briefcase.

"Cracked display screens or broken antennas can result when someone tries to squeeze a handset into an overloaded briefcase or hand bag,” he said.

• Mobile phones should never get subjected to harsh weather conditions. Just like any normal human being should avoid harsh temperatures, mobile handsets can easily get messed up in the blazing heat of the sun. If you use your phone in the car, it's a good idea not to leave it un-attended to during a scorching afternoon.

"Extreme heat can damage the battery or trans-receiver, the part of the phone that pulls in radio signals and transforms them into voice” he said.

Similarly, be aware of using the phone in extreme cold weather. Phones do not recover from frostbite and always revise your mobile phone manual for more detailed information about acceptable weather conditions of your handset.

He said that, most people have problems of how to properly charge their phones. This is the battery and phone defector number one.

• A mobile phone can heat up internally if left plugged into a charger or car adapter longer than the recommended time by the manufacturer.

"Daily over charging can destroy a battery and melt internal phone components,” Nzaramba said. Over charging affects the various phone and battery models differently.

To be safe, it is better to completely discharge the battery when it is low, rather than to partially recharge it, he said. Original chargers should always be used to avoid low or overcharge.

If you buy a car or wall charger that was made by a different company, the slight voltage difference could damage the battery as partial charges will lead to its less capacity and irreconcilable performance in the future, Nzaramba said.

So fully charge the mobile every time you plug it into the charging device. If the phone has a NiCad battery it is very important to completely charge the phone.

• Re-visiting your phone manual for more information about charging your mobile phone is equally important. Keep the eyes open and do not leave the mobile handset unattended to, no matter what environment and security you find yourself in.

If the phone is stolen, call your network service provider immediately. Your service provider will de-activate your phone number to prevent your account from being charged with fraudulent calls, he said.

You should also keep your cell phone’s serial number and your phone number at hand in such cases. It's better to note them down beforehand than to regret later.

Thorough understanding and keeping the above points in mind will help you to properly safeguard your cellular device.
