ULK students urged to promote unity and reconciliation
Thursday, July 26, 2007
BY MARTIN TINDIWENSI WESTERN PROVINCEEmanuel Mazimpaka, Gisenyi Sector Coordinator, at a swearing ceremony at University Libre de Kigali (UKL) of the newly elected student’s representatives in the Unity and Reconciliation Club urged students to promote unity and reconciliation.The function brought together student representatives of the Unity and Reconciliation Clubs (URC) from various Rwandan universities, local leaders among others. Mazimpaka called upon members of URC to participate in the forthcoming ceremonies of giving descent burial to the recently discovered bodies of Genocide victims in Mudende and Busesamana Sectors in Rubavu District.He said the burial requires Frws 12m, Gisenyi in which ULK is found, is to contribute Frw 500,000.He further said that the committee members had many challenges to meet adding that the research which was carried out by the Rwandan Senate indicates that the Genocide Ideology in the former Gisenyi district was at 89%. The newly sworn in committee is made up of six members that include, Braise Muhire as president, François Hakizumwami vice president, Eliza Byukusenge as the secretary, Francis Bahoza as the treasurer, Uwimana in charge of social welfare and gender equality and Leopold Hakizimana coordinator. Braise Muhire, the incoming president of the club, thanked the out going committee for their contribution, commitment and efforts to increase student’s awareness on Unity and reconciliation and promised to work harder for the betterment of the country adding that the committee and the ULK students’ community in general will make a continuous advocacy for Unity and Reconciliation until its is fully understood by all citizens.