Gov’t to lease Kivu Methane Gas plant

The government plans to lease the methane gas project on Lake Kivu, which currently contributes 1.8 megawatts to the national grid, The New Times has learnt.

Monday, August 02, 2010
The Methane Gas Plant for the pilot project. Government has announced plans to privatise the plant (Photo J.Mbanda)

The government plans to lease the methane gas project on Lake Kivu, which currently contributes 1.8 megawatts to the national grid, The New Times has learnt.

The move is in line with the government’s plans to reinforce the plant to increase production to 50MW.

The Minister of Infrastructure, Vincent Karega, confirmed the move when contacted, revealing that 14 investors were interested in the plant, and bids are being analysed.   

"When we lease this pilot plant to an investor who will upgrade the extraction of methane gas to 50MW, we shall be having reasonable power on our national grid,” Karega said.

In a related development, Karega told The New Times that a joint methane gas project, shared by DRC and Rwanda, will soon be put in place to boost power in the region.

"The joint project will be in place probably in 36 months and all procedures are going well. The European Union has accepted to fund the project which will operate under CEPGEL (Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region),” Karega said.
