Gicumbi health workers given mobile phones

GICUMBI - 2,560 community health workers attached to 22 health centres in Gicumbi District, on Friday, were each given a mobile phone to help them coordinate health related activities in their respective localities.

Sunday, August 01, 2010
Public health workers receiving mobile phones at Gicumbi Stadium on Friday. (Photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI - 2,560 community health workers attached to 22 health centres in Gicumbi District, on Friday, were each given a mobile phone to help them coordinate health related activities in their respective localities.

The District Mayor, Bonane Nyangezi, urged the beneficiaries to utilise the facilities to coordinate public health related matters right from village level.

"These mobile phones were donated by President Paul Kagame to enable you coordinate health related matters. You should use them to check infant and maternal mortality rates by coordinating with health officials at your respective health centres,” Nyangezi said.

He further called upon the recipients to be on the forefront in sensitizing residents on proper feeding to prevent malnutrition among children and adults.

"It is important that you sensitise the residents about growing vegetables in their kitchen gardens, and raising chicken and rabbits. This will reduce nutritional diseases among residents,” he added.

The Director of Byumba Hospital, Dr. Fred Muhairwe, hailed Giti, Bwisige, Muhondo and Tanda health centres for reducing the child mortality rate in the district.

"The health centres of Rutare, Rubaya and Musenyi need to pull up their socks because they are the worst performing in public health service provision in the entire district,” said Muhairwe.

A representative of the phone recipients, Denise Mukaleta, hailed President Kagame for promoting public health programs countrywide.

"Gicumbi District community health workers are behind Paul Kagame, come August 9 presidential elections,” Mukaleta said.
