Network breakdown paralyses bank business

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — Business at several banks in Butare town was paralyzed this Thursday after network break down. Scores of frustrated clients, at different banks were shocked on learning that their accounts could not be accessed.

Friday, January 11, 2008


HUYE — Business at several banks in Butare town was paralyzed this Thursday after network break down. Scores of frustrated clients, at different banks were shocked on learning that their accounts could not be accessed.

"I had documents to process and then deliver them to Kigali. I now have no return ticket, where I will spend the night, only God knows,” lamented one client.

The unprecedented incident left several banks closed. All the five major Banks: Commercial Bank of Rwanda (BCR), Bank de Kigali, COGE BANK and Bank Populaire remained closed the whole day.

At the Rwandatel offices in Butare town, the network providers, technicians were engaged in frantic efforts to fix the problem, but they made no official communication.

At the ECOBANK, the only bank that remained open, hopeful clients waited up to late evening, for a last minute solution to the problem.

"Our hands are tied in this matter. We have received communication from Rwandatel that the problem is going to be fixed soon,” said Joseph Munyangaju a Bank official.

"It is a general problem so we beg our customers to understand.”
