Business Perspective: Advertising is important

A few years ago advertising in this country was almost zero, some companies from the East Africa came around and opened our eyes and made us realise that advertising is part of a business. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A few years ago advertising in this country was almost zero, some companies from the East Africa came around and opened our eyes and made us realise that advertising is part of a business. 

Some big companies still feel that they are known out there so there is no need for them to advertise, but what they don’t know is that, as much as some people might know that they exist somewhere, their services might not be well defined or explained, thus lose clients in the process.

Businesses exist to sell products and services to the public for a profit. If the public does not know that your business exists, finding customers to make enough purchases for your business to survive will be a failure without some additional help.

It is an important factor in business because it gets the word out about your company and establishes a presence and a brand about what you are offering.

One of the best ways to advertise is by word of mouth, also known as referral marketing or referral advertising. When other people hear good things about your business or they have a positive experience shopping with your business, they become walking billboards for your business without you having to spend additional money on advertising to create it.

Advertising locally through newspapers and fliers as well as billboards can be an effective source of it when your business is up-and-coming, but expanding your advertising sources becomes important as you grow.

You can extend your advertising approach out to television commercials as well as radio in order to reach wider audiences, but the revenue from your business should be able to pay for the costs of these adverts to bring you the value you are looking for.

Creating an assortment of advertising and marketing techniques will help you to reach many different customer bases.
Identifying a target market to advertise your business to is also very valuable, because a target market of customers will be more interested in your business than trying to appeal to masses of people with varying interests.

Making sure that enough people know that you exist who are naturally interested in your product as a target is a great way to bring in customers and increase the profit of your business.

Advertising helps to keep the consumers informed about whatever new products or services are available in the market at their disposal.

It helps to spread awareness about products or services that are of some use to consumers and potential buyers.

The main aim of advertising, many believe is to sell but it is also direct communication; in earlier days customers believed on the opinions of retailers, when making the purchases of products.

With the rapid spread of media and advertising to every nook and corner of the world, people have become aware of the various products that are available in the same category, the offers and benefits of purchasing them.

So the companies or manufacturers are able to communicate their message directly to the customers.

Creating an impulse in potential customers to purchase your product is very important when it comes to advertising.

However, it can also be easy to create an advert that puts your customer off, and thereby creating a mindset not to purchase your product, either by unintentionally avoiding the sale of your product by focusing on information or topics that draw attention away from your product. Be sure to study the needs of your target market to get the best results.

Advertising is the most important tool in the marketing of products and services. Companies all over the world universally accepted this fact.

The expenses on advertising are considered to be a profitable investment that reaps profits both in the long and short run.

Businesses that keep on advertising regardless of rise or fall in the economic times get a competitive advantage over those that cut their advertising budgets.
