Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a middle aged woman and a widow with eight children. I am in love with a younger man who is ten years my junior.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I am a middle aged woman and a widow with eight children. I am in love with a younger man who is ten years my junior.

I am a successful businesswoman and the man helps me a lot in terms of running my businesses. As much as my friend declares his unconditional love for me - I still feel that someday he will leave me to marry a younger woman once he has gotten what he wants from me, seeing the way he behaves. Is this feeling true or am I being paranoid?


Dear Mary,
For a woman your age what are you doing with a boy young enough to be your son? There are plenty of men out there of your age, who I feel should be the ones to date you and not that boy.

First of all, I think your fears are very true. These young boys nowadays look for women old enough to be their mothers so that they can be taken care of.

These boys do not want to work hard like their fellow young men out there, but want to be rich and successful through a shortcut of being involved with lonely, old and rich women like you.

My dear Mary, unless you take action yourself against this young man, this is what will happen to you. Firstly, he will make sure you become a prisoner of his love, he will show you love and everything that you want him to do for you he will gladly do it for as long, until you become addicted to his fake love for you.

He will make sure that you become dependant on him, to an extent that you will do nothing on your own without first consulting him.

After you become addicted to him, he will slowly start taking your money and stashing it somewhere, at the same time become so demanding that even by the time you are putting all your assets in his name you will not even be aware of it.

This same man, will make sure that he has everything you own in his hands and everything will boldly be written in his names, then kiss you  goodbye old Mary.

You will have no where to run to because whatever he has taken from you is in legal documents that you willingly transferred every of your asset to him.

Follow your instincts and do what is right before it is too late. Leave that young man to the girls of his age, then  get a nice mature man to give you mature love and comfort that you need; at your age-running around these young men will do nothing to improve your life, instead you will be a ridicule in the society.

Last but not least, think of the future of your children and what they are going through watching you run after little boys their age.

What will happen if this man robs you of everything that is supposed to be rightfully theirs? Who will you go to?

I ask you to think very hard about what you are doing, do not just think starting from your waist going downwards, but also upwards to your brains and listen carefully if there is a bell ringing for a wake up call before it is too late.

Act now before your worst nightmares become a reality.
