Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder seen mostly in women and that too in the affluent sections of the society. In this the individual starts reducing her weight to the extent of becoming sick.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder seen mostly in women and that too in the affluent sections of the society. In this the individual starts reducing her weight to the extent of becoming sick.

Psychiatrists put the blame of this condition on society’s perception of being slim as beautiful. This trend started from the west and has spread world over.  In this context, people start considering their normal body weight as fat and want to reduce it, further.

There may even be a competition as to how many kilos one is losing. Teenage and young women are more prone to develop this disorder, but in rare cases men can also be affected.

Earliest symptom of anorexia nervosa is for a healthy young lady with normal weight to start getting anxious about her body weight. She starts reducing the quantity of food consumed and entirely avoids foods with high calories.

With this, if she does not see the desired results (a loss of body weight or a pencil thin figure), she starts skipping meals altogether. In extreme cases, the individual induces vomiting after taking any food.

In addition to avoiding food, these women take to vigorous exercises in a belief to reduce excess body weight.

Because of this unhealthy obsession with dieting they start developing many health hazards. First off all, they start losing fat deposits in the body, which they perceive as obtaining a very good figure and looking more beautiful.

But what happens is totally opposite. Along with fat, they also lose the glow and attraction of the face as it is deposits of fat below cheek which   give radiance to any face. 

Their figure is also spoilt because again shape of   breasts and hips of women is due to fat deposited there and loss of fat gives an emaciated look.

They are   deprived of essential nutrients supplied by food and start suffering from signs of protein, calorie malnutrition and multiple deficiencies like that of iron, calcium, e.t.c.

Instead of looking beautiful, they start looking miserable and sick.

Because of lack of calories which provide energy, these girls gradually lose their stamina for work. At the age when nature provides maximum energy, these individuals get tired very easily and are unable to put in hard work of any kind.

Chronic self imposed hunger and resultant fatigue and malnutrition lands them in a state of depression. Thus the affected person becomes irritable and often cries over trivial matters.

Lack of sleep, apathy towards work and people, are other signs of depression which can be seen in them. Their overall performance in school, university or work place is also affected by this obsession to remain slim, which adds on the depression.

But interesting part is they do not acknowledge that they are sick and say that they feel fine and fresh. This just becomes a ploy to justify their weird action.

Excess   loss of fat also affects the hormonal system of the body as feminizing hormones are fat dependant. Result is menstrual disorders and even sterility in women of marriageable age.

To prevent anorexia nervosa, girls of growing age should be counselled very well about the importance of good balanced diets for their present and future lives.

They should be taught how to lead a balanced life, i.e. to maintain normal body weight by good amount of physical exercise along with a healthy diet.

At the earliest sign of anorexia nervosa, family members should not hesitate in consulting counsellors for professional advice.  In western countries, group counselling sessions are held for teenage girls suffering from anorexia nervosa.

Nutritional supplements are given to affected persons as long as they suffer from nutritional deficiencies. In severe cases, the sick individual is hospitalized and necessary calories and supplements are given through injections.

One need not worry about anorexia nervosa, but should be vigilant about it, if young women in the family start worrying about slimming down. A slim figure is not everything in life and that is what they have to understand.
