The Hater: I hate people who…

…are addicted to window shopping. I just don’t seem to understand where this idle habit came from. I am talking about the habit of pretending to be interested in goods on sale but without the slightest intention of buying.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

…are addicted to window shopping.
I just don’t seem to understand where this idle habit came from. I am talking about the habit of pretending to be interested in goods on sale but without the slightest intention of buying.

Some people do this just outside by looking through the window hence the name ‘window shopping.’ Others enter the shop, touching almost everything and asking a lot of pointless questions.

I hate these people so much that I just wish there was a law against entering a shop without money in their pockets. I know one person who was window shopping in a car showroom!

Why not just stand by the roadside and look at the cars on the streets.  

…mistake their passengers to be tourists.
 Travelling by public transport is always a painful experience. For a person like me the only consolation is that it helps me to get things to write about simply because witnessing them is so annoying.

I currently have unreserved hatred for those drivers of commuter taxis who keep driving back and forth in search of passengers who actually do not exist.

They keep pretending that they have seen a prospective passenger and then they reverse the car all the way back to no place in particular.

They seem to forget that we entered the taxi as passengers and not tourists. Passengers just want the taxi to move forward to their destination.  

…enter public taxis wearing very dirty clothes.
The dry season in Rwanda often results in scarcity of water for some areas. This however is not reason enough for me not to hate people who enter public taxis with very dirty clothes. Just the other day, a mechanic from Gatsata entered the taxi dressed in very dirty overalls.

He was even holding greasy spanners in his hands. Did he honestly think it was ok for him to just come out of under a dead car and into a moving one? Did he really think I was going to let him sit next to me?

Hell no! I immediately left the taxi and rushed home to start writing this column. Dirty mechanics have no business sitting with The Hater in taxis.

…wear excessive make up.
First of all I must admit that looking beautiful is something The Hater has no problem with. However, I am always called into action, to hate, when I meet women who wear too much make up.

The other day I met a lady who looked like an art piece to be honest. And I am talking about a piece done by a kindergarten child with too much colour.

The fact that this is a sunny season seems to have helped this woman to pull off this joke of a fashion statement. For I am sure, if the rain had come down on this woman then our roads would have seen a new coat of paint from her face. 

…just don’t know what their job description is all about.
 I will not waste time here. I totally hate musicians who go on stage and start yelling at us (who have paid to see them) to sing and to wave our hands in the air. What kind of foolishness is this?

I pay to see you and now you want me to do your job instead and for free. Get a life musicians, if you cannot sing then do not bother going on stage, I can always just listen to you on my music system.

This way, I do not have to listen to any stupid instructions from a lazy musician who does not know that the people in the audience are the bosses and they deserve better. I think it is time I recorded a song called I hate you.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to
or a text message to +250 758 545293.