When he is irritatingly hygienic

Before you start to wonder and question my sanity on this topic allow me to say that every woman loves a clean man. What they don’t want are the guys who make them feel like pigs!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Before you start to wonder and question my sanity on this topic allow me to say that every woman loves a clean man. What they don’t want are the guys who make them feel like pigs!

I heard of a very interesting phobia -Misophobia, the fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs- but this particular conversation has nothing to do with that.

I’m talking about the guys who are just so clean and organized that it hurts! The guy whose place always looks like a reality setting of a house magazine photo shoot.

It’s always lovely to come back to a sparkling clean house and just relax breathing in the fresh air. But it’s also nice too to be able to feel free around the place and not worry about getting the place a bit messy.

By a bit messy I mean using a cup and chilling it in the sink for like at least 5 seconds without someone breathing down your neck to wash it immediately or putting your feet up in the chair without worrying about getting a spot on it.

Women are usually the cleanest but there is that guy who is so clean sometimes you just can’t stand being around him. His shirts have never had a crease and always look like he’s just worn them even though it’s 6pm and he’s been at work the whole day!

He always moves with a handkerchief and it has to be white and superbly ironed. The most annoying thing here is you’ll see him wiping his face with it all day but still not a trace of dirt can be spotted on it.

There’s not a hair on his head out of place. The minute he spots one stray hair he dashes for the salon like he’s being chased. His nails are always impeccably clean and he occasionally goes to a manicurist to re-clean them just in case he missed anything.

You can literally see your reflection in his shoes. If so much as a spec of dust gets on it he will rush off to go clean it. You on the other hand will probably need a magnifying glass to see that!

He showers about 4 times a day or more and every time he showers he has a change of clothing. His house is so clean sometimes he wishes he could tell you to wash your feet before you enter even though there is hardly any visible dirt on them.

When you are having a meal he feels the table mat is not enough. The second a grain of rice drops he grabs a napkin and cleanex to clear the mess. Because to him that is a mess!

There’s honestly nothing wrong with having a clean man but sometimes it can get to you. Men as we know them are free spirits and just do what pops in their heads.

They will leave things lying around and at the most take 2 showers a day! They will throw on a t-shirt and not care if it’s creased because they are just hanging around the house.

Finding a man who wants to beat you at what you do best is very intimidating. Just like the way men don’t like women telling them what to do, that is stepping on their ego. They like to be in control.

Being too clean is a feminine thing so meeting a guy who can vacuum the vacuum cleaner is just worrying and annoying too!

When he comes to your house, neat as it is, almost every time he touches something he feels the need to wash his hands. When he sees a magazine on the dining table yet the rest are on a shelf, he asks why you are so disorganized!

Isn’t that just terrifying? Some of you might think he doesn’t exist but he does. And to some of these guys, it’s not a disorder or anything. If you had to choose between a very dirty man and an extremely clean one it wouldn’t be hard.

But the truth is a balance would be great. A guy who can let himself get dirty but leave you with the satisfaction that he will clean himself up and one who won’t go picking or cleaning up after your every move!
