Living Life: Life above & below

Humans like to think since we are the most intelligent of species; we also have the best or try to make our environments the best among all.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Humans like to think since we are the most intelligent of species; we also have the best or try to make our environments the best among all.

We build mansions, fly fancy jets, buy expensive cars and eat exquisite dishes. But man’s creations do not necessarily make the best life. Instead nature does.

The most grandeur of homes is like a natural paradise where landscaping and indoor design dominated by arts, green plants and a whiff of technology mimicking nature abounds.

In fact, we seek paradise away from nature but real paradise is natural. Beautiful is natural, not creatable. If at all we have a certain picture of beauty or paradise, it is what the memory or notion of unspoiled nature gives us.

So we seek what is natural in what is beautiful. For example, beauty in women refers to some sort of symmetry of two sides of the body or some hip to waist rations that many saw as ideal when they are children, mostly in their mothers.

There is nothing refreshing for example in a natural forest than the spontaneous riot of natural noises, birds, insects, animals, the falling dry leaves, the mixture of various shades of new green leaves, brown or yellow aging ones, the smell of earth and the drops of clean naturally filtered water, the flow of small colourless streams.

Ask anyone where and how they want to retire and the picture comes. Ask another one how they would like to fall in love and the same idea would rule.

It is not the emotions of love or the sanctity of old age that provokes these feelings, but the nature within provoking a sort of reunion between man, tainted by civilization and its effects and nature, where man really originates and will return to be part of eventually.

But if the life above is a natural wonder, the life below the waters is an amazingly bright new natural world. Under the sea, the fish move with grace, the plants sway calmly, the algae settle down steadily, and the water provides a surreal human experience of eternal serenity.

The way the sea cleans itself of wastes, provides its natural occupants food, and life and still remains beautifully and sustainable clean is one such example of how nature takes care of itself, unlike humans who like being taken care of by other humans, other species and machines created by we humans. We want to make life easy in the wrong way.
Simple life is easy life, but the life we want to lead, from the junk food, to the sophisticated travel and communication technology is the complex life, where every aspect of our life depends on a computer, electricity or some other form of technology.

Perhaps, once in a while we should learn to get back to our roots, to get in touch with our natural selves.

I wish you a naturally invigorating Sunday.