Let every Rwandan vote

Editor, I am pleased that the National Electoral Commission (NEC) has put in place mechanisms that will allow people who don’t have an ID to vote. I think that this is extremely important; one cannot stop someone from exercising their constitutional right to vote for their president just because they lost their National ID.

Friday, July 30, 2010


I am pleased that the National Electoral Commission (NEC) has put in place mechanisms that will allow people who don’t have an ID to vote. I think that this is extremely important; one cannot stop someone from exercising their constitutional right to vote for their president just because they lost their National ID.

Imagine if the 235,237 Rwandans, who will now be able to vote because a special document that is going to be issued to them, weren’t allowed to. How fair would that be?

I am of the view that each and every Rwandan should be allowed the opportunity to cast a vote and I am pleased that the NEC is on the same wave-length as me.

Sam Rwego