Ban on petrol in jerry cans not

The Minister of Commerce recently banned the buying of fuel (Diesel or petrol) in jerrycans. The petrol stations now actually followed the directive and are refusing to give fuel to whoever goes to buy with a jerrycan.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Minister of Commerce recently banned the buying of fuel (Diesel or petrol) in jerrycans. The petrol stations now actually followed the directive and are refusing to give fuel to whoever goes to buy with a jerrycan.

The minister must have forgotten that a very big population in Kigali and countrywide don’t have access to electricity either because Electrogaz has no cables and cash power to connect homes or because there is no access to the national electricity grid. People in such homes depend on generators for lighting their homes at night. It’s therefore absurd for the minister to issue a directive of this kind as if we live in the developed world where electricity is available for all.

My appeal is for the minister to withdraw this decision. People with generators as a source of electricity are now suffering.

Samuduha - Kigali.