PL candidate promises to combat graft

THE Liberal Party (PL) candidate for the upcoming Presidential elections, Prosper Higiro, has promised his supporters in Nyarugenge District that he will make Rwanda corruption free once he is elected president.

Sunday, July 25, 2010
PL campaigns at Nyamirambo yesterday (Photo F. Goodman)

THE Liberal Party (PL) candidate for the upcoming Presidential elections, Prosper Higiro, has promised his supporters in Nyarugenge District that he will make Rwanda corruption free once he is elected president.

Addressing scores of his supporters at Nyamirambo Regional Stadium yesterday, Higiro said that a report that was released by Transparency International – Kenya, disclosed that Rwanda is the least corrupt country in East Africa.

"Being a least corrupt country is not enough. If you elect me, I will combat graft to Zero level where our country will be corruption free,” he said.

According to the East African Bribery Index (EABI), Rwanda’s corruption prevalence is at 6.6%; Tanzania comes second as least corrupt with 28.6%, followed by Kenya with 31.9%, Uganda with 33.0% and Burundi as the most corrupt in the region with 36.7%.

Higiro also promised to improve on the security and peace in the country, saying that he will fight against the enemies of Rwanda.

The PL flag bearer added that he will enhance on cementing existing good relations between Rwanda and other countries.

"Our Parliament will be in position to strengthen the friendly relations with other countries once you vote me into power,” he said.

Higiro noted that Gacaca local courts are coming towards the end of their mandate and that there are so many Genocide fugitives in Africa, Europe and USA, saying that, he will enact laws that will proceed against the genocide fugitives, until they are brought back to Rwanda and face justice.

He also highlighted on agriculture, education for all, and the promotion of family planning as among the priorities he will cement if elected President. 

He emphasized that he will increase the number of health centres in the country where each health centre will be having a qualified doctor.

According to Pierre Celestin Niyonzima, one of his supporters who hails from Gicumbi District, Northern Province, Higiro has promised them so many things once he is elected and that they are eagerly waiting to see if he will win the upcoming elections.

Vestina Uwase from Nyarugenge and one of PL staunch supporters is optimistic that the party’s President will win the elections.
