Regular exposure to cell phones is dangerous

Many people in the world use cell phones but people should be concerned about the effects that regular exposure to radio frequency radiation can have on their health.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Many people in the world use cell phones but people should be concerned about the effects that regular exposure to radio frequency radiation can have on their health.

Regular exposure to radio frequency radiation may interfere with the electrical fields of our body cells. Common health challenges that have been linked to regular exposure to radio frequency radiation include abnormal cell growth and damage to cellular DNA.

Difficulty sleeping, depression, anxiety, and irritability are among the most common side effects. Other health complaints you can face is childhood and adult leukemia, eye cancer, immune system suppression, attention span deficit and memory loss and infertility.

Children are at much higher risk than adults of experiencing health problems related to regular exposure to radio frequency radiation; thinner and smaller skulls translate to greater absorption of radio frequency.

For this regard many people especially those living in industrialized or developed countries have resorted to frequency use of fixed phones and internet for communication than carrying cell phones all the time.

There are materials or radio frequency detectors that can be used to prevent and detect the frequency of radio waves in our body but this creates discomfort. To put faith in any of the products on the market that claim to provide protection against radio frequency radiation is not prudent.

This is why some people decide to stay away from cell phones whenever possible.

Unfortunately, many people have little control over the location of cell phone towers and other broadcasting antennas that emit powerful radio frequency waves. More effort is still required from the scientific point of view to locate such towers and antennas in our local places.

No technological solution has been provided to bring up instruments that can locally detect such waves at affordable prices.

By increasing public awareness of such health issues, authorities and cell phone manufacturers might in future do a better job of regulating the placement of cell phone towers and antennas.

In some of western countries like Switzerland, and many eastern European countries have already created protective standards for human exposure to radio frequency radiation. In some countries, radio emitter materials such as towers are not allowed to be located near public and domestic places such as hospitals, schools, and homes.

The availability of information concerning the dangers of cell phone use should be put into use. Such information has alerted people and many people have become inquisitive, they are interested in getting measures that will enable them overcome the problem of radio waves.

As a result a simple device called a Gauss meter that can help you discover any electronic radio emitter as well as its frequency has been discovered during the recent century.

These electronic emitter devices should always be available in living and work areas. Today the cell sensor known as an Electronic emission frequency ‘EMF’ or Cell Sensor EMF Detector is relatively inexpensive in some parts of the world and can largely be used to detect these radio waves at home and office places.
