Know fetal alcohol syndrome

It is a known biological fact that once conceived, a baby grows in the mother’s womb for 9 months. It is during these 9 months that the growth of the baby takes place. When both the internal and external parts of the body are fully developed, then the baby is delivered out. Thus for these 9 months, it is the responsibility of the mother to take utmost care and ensure that the baby remains healthy both physically and mentally.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It is a known biological fact that once conceived, a baby grows in the mother’s womb for 9 months. It is during these 9 months that the growth of the baby takes place. When both the internal and external parts of the body are fully developed, then the baby is delivered out. Thus for these 9 months, it is the responsibility of the mother to take utmost care and ensure that the baby remains healthy both physically and mentally.

Unfortunately because of ignorance or carelessness, some women fail to carry out this responsibility. They indulge in substances which are detrimental to the health of the unborn baby. Alcohol is one of them.

Many ladies take to alcohol for many reasons and continue to drink even when planning to start a baby. Alcohol can cross the placenta very easily and reach the fetus. Body of the fetus is very delicate and not equipped to detoxify alcohol. Thus he suffers from multiple damages to the mind and body. The resultant clinical features constitute what is known as,’ fetal alcohol syndrome”.

Babies born with this syndrome usually have stunted physical growth. Some tell-tale signs are recession of the fore head and jaw line. Groove above the upper lip is blunted. 

These children also suffer from other congenital abnormalities like cleft lip and palate and also defects in the heart.  Alcohol enters the body and directly damages the brain cells and nervous system. The child may be mentally retarded for his age. In absence of frank mental retardation, there may be delinquent, unacceptable behaviour.

Some cases can have muscle disorders like myopathy. Here the affected muscles gradually loose muscle fibers and elasticity and become swollen. One finds it difficult to move affected limbs because of the pain.

Nerve disorders can lead to paralysis of affected limbs. The skin is also said to assume a pale dull look.

All these features may not be apparent at birth. It is only when the child starts suffering that these defects come to light. In many cases, they are not linked to mother’s alcoholism also, unless one suspects it strongly.

For example a counselor in school for a delinquent boy, may not know the source of the delinquent behavior of the child.

These children are often born underweight and suffer from malnutrition. This happens because the mother’s nutrition is also affected by alcohol intake.

For good nutrition of the baby, it is very important for the mother to take a healthy nutritious diet as the unborn baby is totally dependent on her.

A lady who is an alcoholic will suffer from nutritional deficiencies particularly vitamin B.complex (essential for nervous system) like any other alcoholic.

Damage to the liver causes deficiency of glucose and altered levels of lipids and clotting factors which are detrimental to both mother and her child.

Tragedy is, there is no full cure available for fetal alcohol syndrome. Once a child’s body and mind are damaged in uterus, he is maimed for life. 

Whatever treatment options are available only provide symptomatic relief, like pain killers used can only suppress pain for a short while in myopathy but not cure it totally.

Counseling and suitable rehabilitation measures are used for the physically handicapped and mentally retarded children.
There are no absolute figures available from studies as how much alcohol a woman can take safely.

Tolerance varies from person to person depending on genetic and other factors. But one thing is certain. Even small amounts of alcohol consumed after conception is harmful to the baby. 

Alcohol intake in men is also bad if they want to have a baby. Sexual impotence and sterility is known to develop in alcoholic men. Even the quality of sperm is affected. Studies have linked underweight babies to paternal drinking habits.

Therefore for any couple desiring to expand their family, it is best that both quit alcohol. It is more important for the mother to be vigilant to ensure that she does not give birth to a child suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome.
