How special should a proposal be?

Every little girl who was into her dolls and tea parties has dreamt of her wedding day and how wonderful it will be.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Every little girl who was into her dolls and tea parties has dreamt of her wedding day and how wonderful it will be.

She has dreamt of lots of flowers and a pretty wedding gown. A wedding so magnificent it makes you want to cry.
What this little girl has never thought about is the proposal. This little detail often comes to mind during her teenage years. The time when she’s an adolescent and boys are taking over her heart.

Some guys are not so into the proposal and think that the question can just be popped anyhow. Imagine your boyfriend proposing to you in a night club after drinking a whole crate of beer. What does that tell you?

I can guarantee that he won’t remember a thing in the morning or that if he does, he’ll be regretting it! Proposals need a lot of time and thought. When people ask you in the future how your husband proposed, you don’t want to lie to them because it was not romantic at all.

A proposal does not have to be made on a yacht with lots of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. But if you can afford all that it won’t hurt! Seriously though, it could be very simple but very romantic and that is what every proposal should have, romance.

John Tuyisime, a student at Kigali Institute of Management says the day he’ll propose to his girlfriend will be a very special one. ‘If you really love a girl and feel that she is your everything then she surely deserves a nice proposal. The problem is that some girls don’t appreciate and want you to go beyond your means.’

However, Sonia Nkutya, a 22 year old Rwandan student at Kampala International University (KIU), says all she needs in a proposal is sincerity. ‘I can tell how serious a guy is about me from his proposal.

A guy who proposes to you in front of his friends or yours shows how serious he is about you and that he wants his friends to know that.’

People like or do it differently. Just because your friend hired a plane to go flying across the chick’s house with a banner saying ‘marry me’, doesn’t mean you should too. Be different.
‘Even just taking me out for a quiet romantic dinner and then putting the ring somewhere I wouldn’t expect it,’ says Sonia. ‘That is very exciting and not to mention extremely romantic.’

Whether it’s in a car, bar, restaurant, at your parents’ home or on a cliff under the stars, a proposal should be special. Don’t do it in a way that says you couldn’t wait to get it over with!
The proposal is second to the wedding so that means it should be special too.

 Let her know that you mean what you say and that it isn’t just a favour. Besides the wedding, it will be a day both of you will remember so try and do it in a special way. The good thing is you don’t have to spend loads of money on it.

The most amazing thing is men always assume women want fancy things. But in all honesty I know a number who’d die of embarrassment if their guy proposed to them in public. But that doesn’t mean you should do it anyhow! Even if it’s just the two of you, it can still be special.

Every woman wants to feel or hear the love in your voice when you ask those four precious words. Believe it or not, that is the beginning of the marriage. So if you have even the slightest doubt, save the words for when you’re absolutely sure!