Osteoporosis is the process of thinning of bones, which commonly occurs with advancing age. It usually starts insidiously.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Osteoporosis is the process of thinning of bones, which commonly occurs with advancing age. It usually starts insidiously.

One is not aware of it till he or she starts developing pain over limbs, back or suffers from   fractures, without any apparent injury.

As osteoporosis starts, the bone starts getting soft and this process increases progressively unless corrected. The bone becomes soft to the extent that when broken, it breaks into so many soft crumbs   that it   becomes difficult to be corrected by surgery.

It has to be finally reset by major surgery and using artificial appliances like plate, and nail and screw.

Advancing age is a major risk factor for osteoporosis. Women are more prone than men, particularly after menopause as the levels of estrogen are diminished.
People whose diet lacks in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals necessary to maintain bone density are also more prone to osteoporosis. 

Those who suffer from general malnutrition also suffer from osteoporosis due to deficiency of essential elements needed to maintain bone density. Excess of animal proteins in diet also causes   depletion of bone density and cause osteoporosis.

Chronic   alcohol   use is a known cause for causing osteoporosis. Tobacco not only depletes the bone marrow matrix but also prevents deposition of essential substances in the bone.

Good physical exercise from   adolescence   helps to increase the force of bones and muscles and is useful to prevent osteoporosis later in life.  In fact if one does not do any physical activity, even supplements of calcium do not help in gaining good bone strength.

Obese people are known to be more prone to develop osteoporosis later in life due to lack of physical activity.  In other extreme, excess physical activity or exercise without proper warming up and nutritional supplements is   also detrimental to the bones.

Long term use of drugs like corticosteroids induces softening of bones. Drugs used to reduce acidity of stomach can also cause osteoporosis due to reducing absorption of calcium from the gut.  Certain diseases of the endocrine system like diabetes, hypothyroidism, e.t.c.,  also are known to induce osteoporosis.

Apart   from these factors, hereditary   also plays a major role in osteoporosis. A woman with history of osteoporosis in the family has more chances of developing osteoporosis. More the number of risk factors present, greater is the risk.

Bones of the limbs, backbone and ribs are more affected in osteoporosis. Spontaneous fractures in thigh or hip   bones are common in elderly women with osteoporosis. Involvement of the backbone leads to chronic back pain, which is augmented by slightest movement.

Spontaneous fracture in vertebrae of backbone is known to cause collapse of the vertebrae and apparent deformities. Clinically it is manifested by severe pain in legs,  associated with tingling and numbness .

Diagnosis of osteoporosis is suspected clinically and confirmed by X-rays and measurement of bone density.  It is a preventable disease  which once when started affects the quality of life of any individual. A person not only suffers from chronic pain but also disability. 

Therefore it is always wise to prevent it.
Intake of good nutritious diet from early age is useful   to keep the bones strong and prevent osteoporosis later in life. Milk and milk products  like cheese, curds and yoghurt are very useful in this regard.  Fresh fruits, particularly  citrus fruits, banana, guava,  e.t.c. also  supply necessary nutrients strengthening the bones. 

Along with fresh fruits, one should also consume fresh green vegetables. One is recommended to take fish particularly those with edible bones like salmon or sardines. Nuts are also good source of dietary calcium. Liver and cod liver oil are animal sources of calcium and vitamin D.

Sunlight is a very good source of vitamin D. which is essential for strength of bones. Therefore it is important for every person to walk or do some exercise in sunlight every day.

Regular  exercise is important to increase the bone density and maintain it. Even if one starts regular exercise in later life after osteoporosis has started, it is useful. Avoiding excess of alcohol and tobacco use keeps body healthy and also avoids osteoporosis.

Calcium and vitamin D. supplements are given to prevent and also treat osteoporosis. It is a disease better prevented than treated.