The secret life of...

Theobald Samedi is a Senior Pastor at Miracle Centre Church in Remera. He is married and a blessed with children. Below he shares more about himself;

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Theobald Samedi

Theobald Samedi is a Senior Pastor at Miracle Centre Church in Remera. He is married and a blessed with children.

Below he shares more about himself;
The first thing you do in the morning
I must say a prayer before anything else  
Greatest fear

When are you happiest?
When I am in the circles of Jesus Christ

Childhood memory
I loved to stay with church leaders like pastors and I felt I was part of them

The most important thing life has taught you
Being a man of integrity, down to earth and giver is part of life 

What keeps you awake at night?
Whenever there is something wrong in the type of work I do

Greatest achievement
With the help of the Almighty God, I have changed people’s lives to at least the better

During your free time
I read a lot

Retirement plans
I am training many to see that my retirement cannot affect the ministry, if I am to rest happily.

Photo. G. Mugoya