Head teachers shun students

EASTERN PROVINCE GASTIBO — Controversy has developed over up-paid tuition for dozens of students formerly sponsored by the World Bank- multi-country HIV/Aids program [MAP] in Gatsibo and Nyagatare.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


GASTIBO — Controversy has developed over up-paid tuition for dozens of students formerly sponsored by the World Bank- multi-country HIV/Aids program [MAP] in Gatsibo and Nyagatare.

The debts estimated in millions were reportedly accumulated in a period of two school semesters in 2007. It’s controversial in that, the Global Fund is taking over the sponsoring of the affected students from MAP, but without inheriting the tuition arrears.

MAP, a non governmental organization has been sponsoring a good number of unprivileged students including orphans and other vulnerable children from homes affected by Aids in the two districts.

Coming days after the new term started, school authorities are shunning the students unless they cleared their outstanding debts.

At Karangazi secondary school in Nyagatare, a notice has been pined at the school notice board barring MAP students from entering class.

Many other schools in Gatsibo are reluctant to register the affected students. At Nyakayaga senior secondary school, sources said MAP owes the school a lot of money in un-paid tuition; yet the day-today running costs of the school are high.

"Since last year, MAP has not paid a single coin for their students leading the school to accumulate debts with its food suppliers. Not only are these students taught, they are fed and accommodated which is very expensive,” said Francis Musafiri, the school director.

It was not easily established why Global Fund was taking over the students but the heads of schools insisted that MAP should take sort out their accumulated debts before handing over students.   
