It is all about integrity in the police

Every time I want to start admiring things in this country the police come first on my list. It’s not because they are smart and neither is it because they are extremely hard working.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Every time I want to start admiring things in this country the police come first on my list. It’s not because they are smart and neither is it because they are extremely hard working.

My simple reason is because they are not easy to corrupt.
I should have said that it is not possible to corrupt them but I am not very sure about this, most especially since it is the bible that puts this way; man eateth where he worketh.

I have no substantial base to say that they cannot be bribed but whether it’s true or not, the police has often times exhibited a high degree of integrity.

I am not aware whether they are paid handsomely and this is why they don’t care about the bribes, or they only fear to lose their credibility before the public but what I am sure about without doubt is that they just know how to do their thing.

I would hold it against anyone who dared to criticize the police’s uprightness.
