Kigali City sparkles with cleanliness

I am a Ugandan of Rwandan origin and on my recent visit to my sweet home land I noticed something that deserves applause.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I am a Ugandan of Rwandan origin and on my recent visit to my sweet home land I noticed something that deserves applause.

Hardly fourteen years after the genocide, I don’t know how and why but what I vividly know is that Kigali and Rwanda in general is amazingly clean.

At first I thought it could be because it is a small country and therefore easy to manage. Then I thought it could be because the president is such a strict man that dealing with him is an uphill task and Kigali has to keep clean against all odds.

On both accounts, I guess I was wrong. I later came to find out that it is because the state (government) and the people work hand in hand. They know that development is not a one man investment. It’s a two way process.

That is why every last weekend of the month all Rwandans including his Excellency the president reach out to practically participate in the monthly event of cleaning the environment (umuganda).

There is unfound discipline in this land and personal commitment that I am not afraid to boldly confess. I therefore challenge neighboring countries like my other home –Uganda- to pick lessons from this young post war country and life their may be changed forever.
