Religious leaders urged to mobilise followers for elections

The Minister of Local Government (MINALOC), James Musoni has called upon religious leaders to play a major role in the preparation and implementation of the forthcoming Presidential elections slated for August 9.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Local Government Minister James Musoni (2nd Left) displays a bible which was given to him by the church leaders. (Photo J Mbanda)

The Minister of Local Government (MINALOC), James Musoni has called upon religious leaders to play a major role in the preparation and implementation of the forthcoming Presidential elections slated for August 9.

Musoni made the call yesterday while addressing over 1000 religious leaders during a one-day meeting between them and MINALOC officials.

"As God’s servants, I call upon you to share with the government the same vision and mission towards the further development of our country, because that’s when we shall be able to achieve our goals,” Minister Musoni said.

He encouraged them to mobilize their followers to have hope for the future and to change their attitude towards developments by working hard in order to pull themselves out of poverty.

Bishop Enock Dusingizimana commended the government for the remarkable progress it has made just 16 years after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Participants also asked the government to always give them a platform to share their views with it on how to develop the country and to organize solidarity camps in order to learn different things pertaining to civic education.

Musoni said that church leaders are government partners in sensitizing Rwandans regarding to promoting good governance and all activities related to the forthcoming elections

The church leaders came from all the 30 districts in the country.
