Relationships :Rekindle a failing relationship

Couples deeply in love with each other are barely able to stop touching each other or kissing even when in public places.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Couples deeply in love with each other are barely able to stop touching each other or kissing even when in public places.

However, sexual attraction begins to diminish after a few months, years, or even decades, of being together with the same person.

Sometimes couples lose their sexual longing for each other as time goes by and find things to tranquil off the early passion of a relationship blaming stress, children, work and tiredness.

It’s actually very easy to keep the passion alive in a long-term relationship. Overlook the biology of hormonal changes, cultural beliefs about getting bored with our partners after we’ve been with them a while, and above all forget the idea that you’re destined to lose your sexual desire and libido.

The first time you have sex with a new partner, it’s electrifying and passionate yet there’s so much to discover about your partner, and every time you have sex it seems to be different.

So inevitably, when you’ve been with them a while and you know a few things about their sexual desires and preferences, and you’ve discovered what they need and what they expect from you in bed, there can be a sense of change in routine.

The way to deal with this is to just simply change your patterns and do something new since such changes are simple but they can make a huge difference and revive the relationship.

The most successful relationships are the ones where the couples maintain a high level of independence like having their own interests, their own friends, and their own activities. However it doesn’t mean abandoning your partner.

It means that if you have a rich and pleasing life outside the home, you will have an even more affluent and pleasurable life inside your bedroom with your partner because each time you meet them there, you will see them with fresh eyes.

Good sex is based on intimacy which means understanding your partner and feeling close to them. Intimacy is one of the simplest things to build up for instance by talking, expressing your inner most thoughts, feeling and desire.

Most people feel insecure if they think their relationship is threatened. If you were brought together by shared values and interests in the first place, and you once found each other physically exciting and sexually desirable, then it’s very likely that you have a sound basis for your relationship to continue.

If you’ve lost your way, you simply need to re-discover yourselves.
While relating, comparing yourself with what people think is a path to unhappiness. But working out what you want to do with your partner, and what he or she wants to do with you is better.

Couples in good relationships always show each other their true feelings. And, surprisingly enough, this might even mean showing your partner your fears, resentment and anger.

Complete honesty and openness with your partner through expressing your feelings and responses shows them respect and increases intimacy.

Mutual respect is the core value that keeps a relationship together their fore should always prevail in a relationship.

It’s better to work at restoring your relationship rather than abandoning it and starting over again with someone else leading to a heartbreak and misery.
