From “Desperate Homeboys” to Real men

It’s one of the hottest shows on television, the subject of beauty shop talk all across the world.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It’s one of the hottest shows on television, the subject of beauty shop talk all across the world.

Indeed, as of late, it’s been almost impossible to escape the buzz surrounding Desperate Housewives, the offbeat drama that follows the lives of several suburban women in their attempt to find family and personal happiness.

But, truth be told, there’s a more interesting kind of talk taking place on the streets and bars around the country.
It’s coming from a crowd is also making waves and deserves just as much attention.

People I call "desperate homeboys”. To them being desperate is a good thing. Throughout the world, there are men in a mad hunt for their better selves.

And while the plight of these homeboys who are desperately searching for happiness and life’s true meaning might not be as sexy as black beauties sashaying to PTA meetings in slinky outfits every week I maintain that it is no less compelling.

It is compelling because never before have there been so many men so serious about improving their lives.

It’s an attitude of restlessness, a feeling of discontent, the desire for more out of life.

Spend some time on any street or park, and it’s easy to see the transformation. The bars were once a place where men would sit around all day talking about who was the best footballer.

Now the talk between drinks is who has the biggest house, the best business and the biggest plan for the future.

More are homeowners now than ever before. More own real estate, stocks, and other investments.

More are business owners and sit on their local school board, city council and planning commission. Men are working harder than ever, many times jumping at opportunities to enhance their careers.

They want their dreams, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
An increasing number of men are no longer content with just living for the today. Their time horizon now extends beyond their plans for the weekend.

Don’t get me wrong, we still like to have a good time. And won’t stop buying nice things. A true man will always take pride in looking good.

Now, the desperate homeboy is realizing that there is more to life than who’s got the biggest toys. He is evolving into a person who is combining book sense with his street knowledge.

He is taking his ‘street survival skills off the street and into the workplace, taking his innate passion and applying it to his relationships, his faith, and his society.

You don’t have to look far to find a desperate homeboy. You see them enrolling in college, singing in the church choir, becoming involved in their children’s school activities.

You can see this shift in relationships, too. I see more and more men seriously looking for that right lady. And when he finally finds her, he’s not letting her go. Look around! More men are marrying now than a decade ago.

In short, men are living a better-rounded lifestyle.
We are a diverse group of people, able to achieve amazing things when we use our skills, our God-given gifts, to the fullest. We are no longer buying into the idea that sports and entertainment are the only ways for us to make it big.

We are realizing that we can excel in whatever area we want. There’s a whole world out there just waiting on us to tap into it.