A good number of men view shoes as a necessity; they don’t give them much attention. In fact this is the most undervalued item of a man’s wardrobe.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A good number of men view shoes as a necessity; they don’t give them much attention. In fact this is the most undervalued item of a man’s wardrobe.

Shoes convey so much information about a man’s personal style, and they’re often one of the first things that people notice about you. If you want to look like you know what you’re doing in the style category, at least invest in 3 pairs of fine, modern shoes.

It’s  true you  do not spend a lot of time following  current  fashion trends, but at least if you look around at what stylish men wear in various circumstances, if there’s  anything you can copy  about them, copy their shoe choices. Shoes are also one of the main items women look at first!

Going for a job interview? You can be judged and categorized in the first ten minutes based on your appearance. So, shoes should be taken seriously.

If that job you’ve been eyeing slips out of your fingers despite having all the qualifications needed, your appearance could be the cause.

Start investing in your exterior, it means a lot. Remember ‘you feel as you look’. If you look lousy, you will feel lousy and are likely to act the same.
Choosing that leather pair
Try to pick a shoe that matches, or is darker than your pants. If wearing a belt, try to match your shoes with it, unless of course, your belt is multi-coloured.

Black shoes work well with navy, grey or black pants.

Brown shoes are best suited to tan, brown, beige, greens, other darker earth tones,

Maroon shoes work well with khaki, lighter browns, blue and grey. And Tan shoes look great with lighter earth tones, blue, beige, lighter tan or white.

Shoe Care; this is the area that so many guys overlook in terms of cleaning and proper care. A stylish man keeps his shoes as he does any of his other clothes; clean and free of scratches and dirt. Your shoes should be in good repair, well kept and shiny.

 If you don’t have a lot to spend on shoes, keeping the ones you have in great shape will remove the need to buy new shoes for every occasion.

Shoe cleaners come in gels, foams, liquids and creams; you can use a soft shoe brush to aid in removing dirt from the surface of the shoe. This will also help to remove dirt from any cracks in the shoes.

After cleaning, let the shoes dry for a few minutes and begin shining the shoes with a soft cotton cloth - either a shoe shine cloth, or even an old t-shirt, as long as it’s soft and made of cotton.

 It is also advisable to keep at least two pairs of shoes in the same colour so you can let one pair rest for a day from sweat and stretching. Doing this prevents them from warping.

Place a pair of shoetrees in your shoes when you’re not wearing them to maintain their best form.
