The secret life of...

Tito Farias is the Chief of IREX in Rwanda, a US-based nonprofit organization committed to international education in academic research, professional training and technical assistance.Below shares some more about himself:

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Tito Farias

Tito Farias is the Chief of IREX in Rwanda, a US-based nonprofit organization committed to international education in academic research, professional training and technical assistance.
Below shares some more about himself:

The first thing you do in the morning
I pray and stretch

When are you happiest?
When somebody learns something from me

Childhood memory
Being a saxophone and a swimming champion

The most important thing life has taught you
To work hard

What keeps you awake at night?
Thinking about justice with people   

Greatest achievement
Helping to build peace and alleviate suffering through the project I have written and managed in Angola, Senegal and Congo
During your free time
I ferment vegetables and make other nutritious foods for my family

Retirement plans
I am still planning about it but it will involve animal keeping…cattle, goats and birds like chicken

Photo G.Mugoya