Have your say : Should we have drama theatres?

Drama is a general term for performances in which actors impersonate the actions and speech of fictional or historical characters (or non]human entities) for the entertainment of an audience, either on a stage or by means of a broadcast or a play.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Drama is a general term for performances in which actors impersonate the actions and speech of fictional or historical characters (or non]human entities) for the entertainment of an audience, either on a stage or by means of a broadcast or a play.

Drama is usually expected to represent stories showing situations of conflict between characters, although the monodrama is a special case in which only one performer speaks. Drama is a major genre of literature, but includes non-literary forms (mimes), and has several dimensions that lie beyond the domain of the literary dramatist or playwright.

A theatre is a hub for drama and cultural dances, however in Rwanda a National theatre is an allegory. Below is what people had to say about drama theatres.

Prosper Maniraruta(IT Technician)

Drama theatres is worthy on account of being  part of literature ,giving advice to the whole society, changing minds of people especially when that drama is giving good vision of life .

Diana Mutesi (Student)

Drama theatres can be another school. For example people in drama can be used to educate the youth on how to avoid using drugs and their dangers.

Malcolm Muyiinda( Radio Presenter)

Thanks to theatre the people explore their talent and change the World by harmonizing the environment.

Claudine Uwirigiyimana (Student)

The drama theatres are needed because there is direct interaction with characters off stage with the audience unlike movies since the characters are just an illusion.

Geoffrey Kalisa (Businessman)

There is always need for an alternative for leisure, other than going to bars and night clubs, one is able to take their date for a play since itfs a romantic act hence drama theatres are worth the existence.

Trisha Mbabazi (Manager)

People should look at drama as a profession not a hobby because it has a great impact on society such as the entertainment aspect, informative and educative thus drama theatres are worth the existence.

What is your say?


Comments from last weekfs have your say.
Would you attend your exfs wedding?

David Diyen (dnbig74@yahoo.ca)
Banker in Rusizi

It can depend on how we have been separated. I think that it is good to be separated with someone politely and continue to be friends at the point that you can even attend one anotherfs wedding.
