Good leadership amounts to stability in the country

I am writing to express my gratitude towards the current leadership that has skillfully managed the day to day activities for a better Rwanda.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I am writing to express my gratitude towards the current leadership that has skillfully managed the day to day activities for a better Rwanda.

The East African region, over the last couple of days has been rocked by various economic misfortunes. This was due to the on going post election violence in Kenya, a country that holds the region’s busiest and most influential ports.

Unlike our sister countries like, Uganda, Burundi and Kenya itself, we have experienced little if not none of the effects of this crisis.

This was mainly due to government’s ability to avert any attempts by business people who wanted to cheat Rwandans of their money.

I wonder what would happen to us if petrol had risen like the way it did in Uganda, or Burundi. We would see a rise in food prices, due to increase in transport costs that is used to bring the food to towns.

What we survived most however was the regular transport fares to work, which determine the daily input of a regular Rwandan. We can’t forget that this misfortune happened when schools where opening.

I think we have learnt a lot from our neighbors, and it’s time they learnt something from us. I can’t leave without asking every one to pray for the souls of all those brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the Kenyan violence.
