Head teachers warned against sexual offenses

 ESATERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — The District Police commander, Superintendent Emmanuel Kalasi, has warned head teachers against condoning sex offenses in schools.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


NYAGATARE — The District Police commander, Superintendent Emmanuel Kalasi, has warned head teachers against condoning sex offenses in schools.

The police chief was yesterday addressing the educators at a meeting aimed at laying strategies to fight sexual violence and sex-related crimes, at Nyagatare Nursing school hall.

Kalasi reminded the head teachers that Nyagatare registered 136 sexual offenses last year, a factor which may taint the district image.

"Many head-teachers were cited in such cases but what is unfortunate is that, some head teachers don’t want to collaborate with police to curb the vice through information sharing," he said and explained that such attitude undermines the police efforts.

He reminded head teachers to act as role-models to the society.

The vice mayor for social affairs, Immaculate Mukamuhizi also urged the heads of schools to play a central role in the fight against the vice.

"We are considering a proposal of putting senior women in schools; who will be responsible for following up especially on girls. The proposal if found appropriate would be tabled in the district advisory council and it becomes a bylaw," she noted.
